
Possessing all sorts of benefits is not all. To enjoy this possession is happiness. — Beaumarchais

Another quite complicated segment. It represents your overall financial and material wealth.

Just having a lot of money without any material backing does not make much sense. It is like living half-starving in a rented shabby apartment and having millions of dollars on your bank account, or, the opposite, having a huge house you simply cannot afford.

For productive work in this segment, it is important to consider your goals and possibilities, find a balance in your income and expenses. For example, if you are not happy with your financial well-being and you have never previously kept records of your expenses, then in order to start a productive movement in this segment, you should create a key task to optimize your expenses and account for them daily.

If you conducted an audit of your expenses and realized that it would not be possible to reduce them, then, maybe, increasing your income would be a solution. This situation suggests that another key task is needed — increasing income, for example, finding a new higher-paying job or mastering a new profession.

When working on the Finance sector don't forget about other segments as well. For example, Health (more income would mean more opportunities to improve your health), Work (possibly, a new profession) and so on.

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